Today, 9th June 2021 marks the World Accreditation Day (WAD). WAD is a global initiative, jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), to raise awareness on the importance of accreditation.
This year’s theme focuses on how Accreditation supports the implementation of the United Nation’s Sustainable development goals.
NiNAS marked the celebration by organizing a webinar for stakeholders and other interested parties. Participants were briefed on what Accreditation encompasses; the benefits, key players in the Accreditation system and the position and role of NiNAS as an Accreditation body. On WAD 2021, participants were given detailed insight into the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and how Accreditation directly and indirectly affects them, with case studies given to further drive home the points. At the end of the event, the ILAC IAF WAD 2021 videos on People, Planet and Prosperity were played.
The Speakers were Rosemary Okolo, Alhassan Joshua, Dr. Lawrena Okoro and the DG NiNAS Mr. Celestine Okanya.
WAD 2021 theme: Accreditation: Supporting the implementation of the SDGs