Our Structure
The NiNAS Governance Structure includes several committees comprising of a broad range of Nigerian stakeholders to ensure that NiNAS operated in a fair and unbiased manner assuring transparency and integrity. The structure which meets international requirements because of the balance of stakeholder involvement comprises of a Board of Directors and an Accreditation Policy Advisory Committee.
The Board of Directors (BOD) was created by the legal incorporation of NiNAS by the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, under the Companies and Allied Matters Act1, 1990 Part C in October 2015 and a later re-incorporation in November, 2019. Its role is to oversee the organization is governed by the provisions contained in the Constitution. In addition, the BOD oversees Strategic Policy and help provide advice and direction to NiNAS, ensure that the organization remains in legal and financial compliance, and to oversee Implementation of Strategic Plans, including the performance evaluation of Executive. The Accreditation Policy Advisory Committee is there to ensure impartiality and fairness in the operation of the accreditation programs, assisting in such things as accreditation decision making.
Reporting to the CEO is the Director of Accreditation, and other staff who are responsible for the overall management of the accreditation operations. In addition, there are a number of contract assessors that report to the Directors of Accreditation. Assessment teams are made of up these assessors. Technical experts are added to the assessment teams as needed to ensure assessment teams have the appropriate competencies for the evaluations at hand. Currently there is one Director which oversees Laboratory Accreditation, with plans to establish accreditation programs in Certification in the future.
Board of Directors
Accreditation Advisory Committee
Like a typical organisation, NiNAS operates a departmental structure under the overall supervision of the Director General/CEO. The three (3) departments (including the units under them) are identified as:
- Department of Accreditation (Laboratory, Inspection and Certification);
- Department of Finance and Administration (Human Resources, Logistics and Finance); and
- Department of Business Development (Marketing, ICT and Public Relations).
- The departmental heads report directly to the CEO.
- The dotted lines indicate Ad hoc committees (Accreditation Advisory Committee & the Technical Advisory Committee) that are not a part of the day-to-day operation of NiNAS activities.
Organizational Chart