“NiNAS hosted an interactive workshop for regulatory bodies on ECOWAS Harmonized Standard for Face-Masks and Hydro-Alcoholic Gel Hand Sanitizer for prevention of the spread of Covid-19 virus. Represented organizations include Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI), NAFDAC, Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine Service and Federal Produce Inspection Service. The aim of the workshop was to enlighten regulatory agencies responsible for certifications and standards on the new required standards and the application of these standards.
In line with the purpose of the workshop, discussions were held between NiNAS and the organizations present on the values and processes on accrediting regulatory methods as relates to laboratory, testing, certification, inspection and other conformity assessment activities. The meeting was declared open by the Director of trade, FMITI Mr. A.M. Abubakar who represented the minister.”